Product Details
The product details panel provides all of the information about the selected product. The panel is grouped into separate tabs of information.
Product Details
The product details tab shows rich marketing information provided by the manufacturer, distributor, or other sources. This information is passed to your quoting tool, storefront, or other systems (depending on 3rd party functionality) when exporting the products.
Product Attributes
The product attributes tab will provide basic details, such as Manufacturer Part Number, Product Name, an Internal Part Number (settable by you and searchable as a keyword), Product Categorization, and MSRP (if provided).
Below those are the attributes, facets, and filters tables. Attributes are product details that are not searchable, and include things like “System Memory Speed” and “Package Contents”. These are not included in the searchable facets to limit the number of facets shown and are based on user feedback. Facets are searchable attributes and are aggregated to keys such as “Processor Type” or “Energy Star Compliant”. Filters are searchable numeric attributes like “Weight (lbs)” or “Screen Size (in)”. These are included in range searches.
Product Tags
Product tags allow you to set searchable keywords on products and can be used to logically group specific products together, such as your Education Systems or Standard Offerings. You can then search on these with the quick search and filter on these. There are both Global Tags which are searchable for the entire company and My Tags which are user level and only searchable / visible by you.
Product Vendors
The Vendors tab of the product details panel will show all of the vendors that carry the product, what their current pricing & availability is, as well as various details such as VPN (Vendor Part Number), Name (what the vendor’s name for the product is), and any status messages (discontinued, authorization required, etc.)
Linked Products
Linked products are cross sell & up sell items related to the selected product. It can include manufacturer certified accessories, the services / extended warranties of the product, or alternative products.
Product Media
This tab will include any additional product images from the manufacturer, such as additional product angles, marketing images, or internal images for servicing the products.
Product Notes
Product notes provides you a way to add custom notes that are only visible to your users. Company Notes are visible to all users, and searchable as keywords in the search criteria. Product Notes are specific to you and can be used for your own sales notes or other information you would like to keep handy.
Storefront Settings
If Storefronts are enabled for your account, you will see a Storefront tab on the product details page. This will allow you to add products to your storefront, set details such as markup & minimum price, and mark specific products as featured. Depending on your Adaptive Catalog tier, you are limited to a specific number of storefront products, and a warning message will be displayed if you reach the limit. To see your usage vs. licensed amount, visit the Storefront Management section of Settings. For more details on setting up storefronts, review the Storefront article.