ConnectWise PSA - Storefront Locations & Taxes

The Locations & Taxes integrations allow your storefront users to quickly select a shipping or billing location based on sites inside of ConnectWise PSA and reflect the tax code of that site.


Setting up Locations / Sites

To set up the location integration, make sure your ConnectWise folio is set up with the integration credentials and your permissions are set. Then navigate to Settings > Storefront Management > CRM

From there, pick the Location Lookup Extension of ConnectWise PSA Location Lookup and check the Enable Location Lookup check box.

Setting up ConnectWise PSA Taxes

On the Storefront Management page, navigate to the Payments & Billing tab. Under Taxes > Tax Extension, select the ConnectWise PSA Tax Calculation extension and check the Collect Tax checkbox.

Using Locations & Taxes on Storefront

When on the order confirmation page, you should now see a dropdown for Shipping Location and Billing Location which should pull sites from ConnectWise PSA.

When selecting a location with a tax code assigned, an estimated tax will be calculated and shown.


ConnectWise PSA Permissions


Storefront Stripe Payments